Tonight is the last night of 2009 (on this side of the world at least) and guess what else it is... a blue moon!! Ever wonder where the phrase comes from? A blue moon refers to the second full moon within one month. We had a full moon on December 2nd and now again today! And the fact that it's on New Years Eve is special as well, because that won't happen again until 2028!
I've been in love with the moon for a long time now... I've always said that I'm happiest with my face to the wind, with the ones I love, or underneath the moon. I toast to her tonight ! :)
(image from google image search: not my own!)

I heard once that certain Native American tribes used to be afraid of cars and airplanes because they moved at such speeds that the soul got left behind and would need time to catch up.
I think I'm catching up slowly.

It is possible that it will be snowing my last two days here !!!!!!!!
Che magico!! **
* * *
The night before I found this magical news out, I read the first page of a novel by Maxence Fermine titled Neve. Neve means "snow." People are doubting me, but I know it will snow! I believe it will happen. . .
Vento invernale
Un monaco scinto
Cammina nel bosco
~ Issa

La neve รจ una poesia. Una poesia che cade dalle nuvole in fiocchi bianchi e leggeri. Questa poesia arriva dalle labra del cielo, dalla mano di Dio.
(The snow is a poem. A poem that falls from the clouds in weightless white flakes. This poem arrives from the lips of the sky, from the hand of God.)