Throughout my time in Arusha, Andrew and I taught a "music class" of sort, which I've mentioned in previous posts. It turned out to be more lyric composition/attempts to imitate instruments with the voice/trying to encourage students to rap. Of course, it didn't turn out the way we expected, but the result was nonetheless awesome. We ended up putting together a CD, complete with 16 tracks! The image above is the album art (graciously designed by Nick). On our second to last day in Arusha, I took the students to the nearest laptop (we had to search for this one) and ended up in a woman's living room, about 25 students crammed into this tiny space, listening to our melodies and beats one by one. . .
Attached are links to hear select tracks. I'll let the music speak for itself. :)
"In the Jungle" (Everyone, featuring Humphrey Mrema)
"Drumbeat Poetry" (Jackline, Herriet, & Munira)
and my personal FAVORITE,
"LA VIE EN ROSE" (Everyone, featuring Louis Armstrong *wink*)
sooo good! and the louis armstrong remix is definitely an instant classic :)